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Monday, January 08, 2007

American Child Photographers Charity Guild

I am so honored and excited that the American Child Photographers Charity Guild has accepted me to be part of their team. The American Child Photographers Charity Guild is a non-profit, volunteer based organization of Child Photographers from all over the country who have come together to form a guild dedicated to children in need and their families. All the time and work is free, absolutely no fees attached with this service.

This wonderful organization was created by the amazing photographer Erin Drallos from http://www.footprintsphotography.com/. For more information please visit their website American Child Photographers Charity Guild.

Here is a brief explanation:

The American Child Photographers Charity Guild will provide:

For parents experiencing a critically ill, extremely premature newborn or early infant loss at any stage we are offer you a heirloom memories of your precious baby.

At your request, Raquel Allen will come to your hospital location for a professional and sensitive photo session.

Raquel Allen will then supply you with a CD file of all your photographs taken that day so that you can print them at your leisure

For more info please email me at raquelsphotography@msn.com


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